Signs Your Shower Drain Requires Attention

To put it mildly, clogged shower drains are painful. It is inconvenient to clean out your shower every day, and it should not be required. A clogged shower can be caused by years of grime, soap scum, hair, and even small items getting lodged in your pipes. Shower drain blockages frequently take time to develop, so you might not become aware of the issue immediately. In light of this, keep an eye out for these three indicators that point to a clogged shower.

Bad Odors

Even if wastewater is removed from your property via your drains, your pipes should not smell. A buildup of hair that is beginning to decompose in the drain and soap scum are usually the causes of foul shower drains. But occasionally, you might detect sewage or sulfurous fumes in your shower. This may indicate a problem with your main sewer line, in which case you should contact a plumber straight immediately. You can learn how to unclog a shower drain, but professionals can perform a better and safer task. 

Gradual Drainage

The water flow from your faucet should be roughly equal to the pace at which your shower drains, according to Smart Choice Plumbing. You have a clogged shower drain if water is collecting around your ankles or if it takes a while for the water to drain after you turn off the water. The hair, soap scum, and dirt blockage act as a dam, obstructing the normal flow of water down your drain.

Water Puddles

Clogged drains can occasionally be very serious. Water still needs to find a place to go even if it is unable to pass through the drain. The pipe may begin to leak or maybe explode as a result of the pressure this puts on it. Water may then begin to collect at the base of your shower as a result of the leak outside the plumbing system. Properly unclogging a shower drain can save you from unnecessary hassle.

Though there are multiple DIY ways to unclog a shower drain, the process is most likely to be a messy one. Having professionals over to do it for you can save you time, and hassle. At the same time you can get some advice on how to maintain it as well.