From Print to Purchase:Optimizing Your Art Print Shop for Maximum Sales

Shifting to a new business model isn’t always an easy task, but when done right, it could boost your sales and increase your customer base. As an artist, you might be thinking about selling canvas prints wholesale along with your original works.

It can be daunting to try to enter the art print market, considering the competition. However, there is a myriad of opportunities awaiting you in many aspects, including sales, loyalty, and brand recognition.

To help you get started with your canvas wholesale print in Australia, follow these easy tips and tricks:

Find a Printing Partner

Producing art prints by yourself is a tedious challenge, so we highly recommend partnering with a reliable print-on-demand service. Print-on-demand companies make art prints when you upload a copy of your work into their portal. Many services like Printribe take charge of printing, packaging, and delivery.

By partnering with a competent printing company, you can save time and money spent on equipment and materials. You’ll be able to focus on creating and improving your work rather than dealing with vendors.

Build Your Brand

When there is competition, you have to ensure your brand stays recognisable. It won’t be easy penetrating the market as a young business, but there are several tools you can leverage to get your business’s name on top:

  • Social Media–A powerful marketing tool with broad reach and simple use.
  • Websites–A platform to showcase as much information as possible about your business and its products.
  • SEO – Search engine optimisation is useful for boosting organic traffic to your website.

Set Your Prices

After talking to your partner printing company, determine the prices you want to set for your art prints. Consider the materials used, the cost of printing and shipping, and the labour you poured into your products.

Additionally, check the prices of your competitors. Setting a decent price that can compete against other art print shops and is deemed more appealing to customers can help you expand your market quickly.

Choose Your Sales Channels

Lastly, decide where you want to sell your art prints online. There are various platforms available for aspiring art print shop owners, such as Etsy, Bluethumb, and Art Lovers Australia. You can also use your online shop, like a website or social media account, to sell your works.


Get Started on Your Online Art Print Shop

Are you looking for someone to help you produce your art prints in bulk? Create an account on Printribe – one of Australia’s most preferred print-on-demand services – and upload your file to get printing!Our team of artists and photographers will lend a hand in kickstarting your business.