Are You Dealing With Clogged Drains – We Can Help

Clogged drains are a common issue, but you may not want to take care of the problem yourself.

Hair, grease, oil, and other debris can build up in your drains resulting in blockages. 

A common solution is reaching for a bottle of drain cleaner, but it can do more harm than good. 

Chemicals in the drain cleaner can erode your water pipes over time. 

Another method to remove blockages involves using a wire coat hanger or similar object. 

You may be able to remove the clog, but you can also damage the pipes. 

A better solution is to call a drain plumber in Perth

But what can a professional do that you cannot do yourself? 

Professionals Have Video Equipment

Blocked drains in Perth are a common problem and it’s not always possible to see the clog. 

Sometimes there is more than one obstacle in the pipes but how do you know what you are dealing with?

A professional drain plumber in Perth has the right equipment to locate and identify the blockage. 

Using either a drain camera or other type of video inspection equipment, the plumber can locate the clog and determine the best course of action. 

The video equipment typically consists of a small, waterproof camera with LED lights attached to a waterproof cable. The fiber optic cable allows the camera to tilt and zoom in and sends the images to the plumber’s monitor. 

It’s a quick and easy way to identify the blockage without damaging the pipes. 

Drain Snakes, Augers, and Hydro Jetting

You may have a drain snake or auger in the building, but it’s not the same as the equipment used by a licensed plumber. 

Plumbers often use a manual drain snake to remove soft and loose clogs. The snake is rotated at the handle to reach into the clog and pull the blockage out. 

Most plumbers prefer to use an automated drain snake or auger. These tools typically reach around 150 feet down the pipe and can remove larger, harder blockages. 

The automated snake functions similarly to a manually operated one. The primary difference is a motor controls the rotation cycle allowing the snake to penetrate harder clogs. 

Some Blockages are Harder to Remove

Sometimes the blockage is farther down the drain than an automated snake or auger can reach. The clog may also be larger or harder and another solution is needed. 

When this happens, blocked drains in Perth typically require hydro-jetting. 

A hydro jetting machine combines pressure and hot water to remove clogs and residual debris in your water pipes. 

It is especially effective at removing grease, hair, and oil clogs, along with mineral buildups on the pipe walls. 

When the process is complete, your water pipes are completely free from any buildups and blockages. 

It’s Often Best to Call the Professionals

Blockages will form in your pipes, preventing water from draining freely. When this occurs, it’s always best to call in a professional plumber. They can remove the blockage and clean the pipe walls all without causing any damage to the water system.